How to Lose Abdominal Fat
Find your waist circumference. Place a tape measure around your abdomen above the hip bone so it is level with your navel. The Weight Control Information Network indicates a waist measurement of 35 inches or more for women and 40 inches or more for men may be at higher risk for possible health complications.
Increase your cardio. According to a study found in "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise," moderate amounts of physical activity have a positive effect on reducing waist circumference. Moderate exercises may include walking, swimming or biking for 30 to 40 minutes four to five times per week.
Increase your metabolism and decrease abdominal body fat with interval training. Interval training is low intensity exercise such as a 10-minute power walk followed by a bout of high intensity exercise, such as a two-minute sprint. The interval sequence would be repeated to total a 40-minute workout. IDEA Health & Fitness Association, the largest association for fitness and wellness professionals, suggests interval training is more efficient for burning calories and decreasing body fat around the mid-section when compared to a continuously paced exercise, such as a 40-minute power walk.
Exercise longer to burn more abdominal fat. According to nationally recognized speaker and coach, Jason R. Karp, Ph.D., running or biking for one and a half to two hours increases muscles' ability to burn fat more effectively than shorter exercise routines.
Build muscle to reduce belly fat. The Mayo Clinic indicates that strength training in addition to cardiovascular exercise has been found to reduce abdominal fat. For maximum results, use weights to tone the large muscle groups, including the upper arms, thighs, buttocks and chest three times a week for a minimum of a half hour per session.
Reduce body fat with healthy eating. Read nutrition labels and avoid saturated fat, high sodium and processed foods. Increase consumption of whole grain breads and pastas, and fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber and will curb appetite.
Flatten the abdominals with reverse abdominal crunches. Abdominal exercises will firm the muscles for an appearance of a flatter stomach. Lay on your back with your arms at your sides. Bring your knees towards your belly button then slowly lower your heels towards the floor; stop lowering your heels when you feel your abdominals contracting. Raise your knees back towards your belly button and repeat the sequence for two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.