How to Tighten Flabby Arms
Things You'll Need
- Workout equipment or gym membership
- Workout clothing
- Healthy diet regimen
Become a member of the local gym. Having easy access to a gym, will keep you from making excuses not to go. Acquire workout equipment if you desire to workout at home.
Incorporate cardiovascular exercise into three days of the week. Working out on the treadmill, stair-climber, elliptical machine or stationary bike, brings your heart rate up. Jogging outdoors is also sufficient. Cardiovascular exercise burns calories resulting in all-over weight loss.
Increase muscle mass through weight training for a minimum of three days per week. Muscle mass burns calories long after you have stopped your workout. Aim to train all muscles of the body for all-over fat reduction. Your arms will slowly start shedding their flab.
Add tricep exercises to your exercise regimen. This can be anything from tricep kickbacks and bench dips to push-ups and skull crushers. Once the fat starts melting away from your upper arms, the toned muscles will be displayed.
Eat frequently and slowly. Six small, healthy meals per day will keep you metabolism up. Meals should contain healthy choices like fruits and vegetables, fiber, whole grains and low-sugar products. Eating slowly allows your body to be aware of when its full more quickly. Don't skip meals or go on restrictive diets because these lead to binges and trigger your body's survival mode where it holds onto fat instead of getting rid of it.