How to Get Rid of a Round Belly
Join a gym in your neighborhood. Gyms offer a variety of exercise options, can be fun and social places and the pressure of having a membership will provide incentive to keep up with your exercise goals.
Measure around your waist and keep track of your progress. A gym trainer or doctor can also help measure your body fat. In order to lose that belly, you will have to reduce your all-over body fat. There is no such thing as "spot-reduction" or losing weight in one particular area.
Eat up to six small meals per day. By eating frequently you keep your metabolism high. Don't fall for restrictive diets since these often lead to binges and don't provide energy to workout. Choose foods that are low in fat and sugar and focus on lean proteins, whole grain pastas and breads and lots of vegetables and fruits. Hydration is also an essential part of weight loss, so drink as much water as possible.
Combine cardiovascular exercise and weight training. Do cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes, four to five days per week. Work out with weights for two to three days of the week. Bringing the heart rate up burns calories, while weight training will tone and create muscle mass. Muscle mass keeps on burning calories even after you are done with your workout. Combining both forms of exercise results in reduction of all-over body fat and reduction of the fat layer that is hiding your abdominals.
Do regular abdominal exercises such as traditional crunches, reverse crunches, situps and side bends. Targeting the stomach area will tighten and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Once the fat layer has melted from your belly, your toned abdominals will show.
Reduce your stress levels. Increased stress triggers the stress hormone cortisol, which has been associated with increases of fat around the waist. Meditation and breathing deeply can help reduce stress.