How to Get Rid of a Gobble Chin and a Double Chin
Exercising Your Platysma Muscle: Exercise 1
Exercise the muscle around and under the chin. Fat accumulates in areas that are not well-exercised. There are specific exercises for the platysma muscle (a muscle in your upper torso starting around your face and neck and ending around your upper chest) that can reduce or eliminate double chins.
Sit with a straight posture, keeping your head up and neck erect.
Open and close your mouth. Keep the mouth open for a count of 10 and then close. You should be able to feel your muscles tense and relax.
Repeat this exercise about 10 times consecutively. Take a break (about a minute or two) and do another set. You should do 10 to 20 sets total. Repeat this exercise three to five times a week. Increase your sets when you feel strong enough.
Exercising Your Platysma Muscle: Exercise 2
Sit up straight, making sure your neck and back are in line. Use a hard-backed chair that ends at or just below your shoulders.
Tilt your head back as far as is comfortable. Tip your head straight back, not at an angle.
Hold this pose for 10 seconds. Feel your neck muscles expand and contract.
Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Rest for a minute or so, then do another set of 10. You should do 10 to 20 sets total. Repeat this exercise three to five times a week. Increase your sets when you feel strong enough.
Lifestyle Changes
Exercise daily. You must perform more than the platysma exercises. As double chins are often a sign of weight gain, it's important to eat heathfully and exercise in order to lose weight. Try walking or running a couple of times a week. You can also participate in team sports, get a gym membership or get a personal trainer. Exercise at least five days a week for at least 30 minutes at a time.
Eat healthfully. Cut out fast food from your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables and eat smaller portions. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you are concerned about an appropriate diet for your lifestyle and body type, see a doctor or nutritionist.
Stay out of direct sunlight. Too much sun exposure on the neck can dehydrate the skin, causing it to sag, which can contribute to a double chin.