How to Have a Bad Diet Day
Select in advance the day to which you will allot your dietary splurging for the week. Typically, dieters plan their cheat days over the weekend or on a day that they have a scheduled dinner or other event involving food at which they know they'll be tempted to indulge.
The concept of a cheat day demands commitment to your diet at all other times. Follow your regular dieting program through each of the other six days of the week. Comply strictly with your eating and exercise regimen. If you feel inclined to stray, remind yourself of your upcoming cheat day as incentive to stay on course. Your chosen day will be exponentially more pleasurable, and your favorite foods that much more mouth-watering, if you know you've truly earned those rewards.
Anticipate your cheat day with the mindset that it is a vacation, but not a free pass to eat anything. For one day, you can relax your worries about counting calories and avoiding your favorite foods. However, if you use your diet progress as motivation for a moderate approach, you are more likely to meet your diet goals while making good use of cheat days.
Use your food cravings as incentive to stay on course. Choose in advance the treats you will allow yourself on your cheat day. Having an envisioned plan for your day's menu gives you something concrete to look forward to throughout the week and will help you squash the tendency to grab and devour everything in sight when the day comes.
Planning one indulgent cheat meal can be your treat of the week. Plan either one celebratory cheat day meal at a favorite restaurant and comply with your diet the rest of the day or scatter small splurges throughout the day, incorporated into healthy, enjoyable meals.
Savor each and every one of your indulgences on your cheat day. Carve out time for your meal or treats and eat slowly. Not only will you relish the sensory eating experience more completely, but you'll also give your brain time to register when you're full and trigger you to stop while you're ahead.
The gym will be easier on Monday if you've indulged sensibly over the weekend. Hit the gym with extra gusto on Monday because you didn't fall off the wagon or slow yourself down by gorging unreasonably. Make the gym a reaffirmation of your continued commitment to sensible, healthy and successful dieting.