Types of Stomach Fat
Subcutaneous Fat
Subcutaneous fat is the visible fatty tissue you can feel directly beneath your skin. This type of fat exists over your entire body and is necessary for survival, according to the American Council on Exercise. However, when it collects around the stomach region due to obesity, it can indicate a health problem. According to Marcy S. Gregory M.S., author of "Lose the Belly Fat," like any other type of fat, the best method of losing subcutaneous belly fat is through proper diet and regular exercise.
Visceral fat resides within your torso, surrounding your major internal organs such as your heart and liver. An excess of visceral fat causes the abdomen to protrude excessively, even if you cannot feel fat beneath the skin. According to Kurt and Brett Brungardt, authors of "The Complete Book of Abs," visceral fat must be lost through proper diet and intense cardiovascular training.
Health Risks
Both subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat can pose severe risks to your health. According to the American Council on Exercise, an excess of abdominal fat raises the risk of heart failure and certain types of cancer. Other health risks associated with central obesity include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and dementia. If you have excess stomach fat, the best way to prevent these health risks is to begin a healthy, sensible diet and exercise program.
There is no way to target only your abdominal fat, but through diet and exercise, fat over your entire body will decrease. Consult with your physician before beginning a new diet and exercise program to determine a healthy goal-weight for yourself.