How to Get Super Flat Abs
Things You'll Need
- Gym membership or home exercise equipment
Eat five to six small, healthy meals a day. All meals should include carbohydrates, protein and fat. Eating often will keep your metabolism up and reduce cravings. Foods like almonds, eggs, leafy greens, salmon and soy have many antioxidants and will not cause bloating. Fiber-rich foods such as whole wheat products will help make you feel full for a longer period of time.
Join a gym in your neighborhood so you won't have any excuses not to exercise. If you prefer working out at home, research and buy home exercise equipment.
Incorporate at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise into four days of the week. By bringing the heart rate up, you will burn calories. The fat layer that covers up the abdominal muscles will slowly start melting away. Cardiovascular exercise can be anything from running on the treadmill, climbing on the stair climber or using an elliptical machine. Jogging is also sufficient exercise.
Workout with weights for 30 minutes, four days a week. Weights will increase your muscle mass and muscle takes up less space than fat. You will get a more toned physique.
Target the abdominal area by employing various stomach exercises, two to three days a week. Crunches, leg raises, side bends and stomach twists don't require any equipment. If desired, weighted ab machines at the gym can be used. Twenty slow, focused repetitions of each is sufficient to get results.