Male Supermodel Diet Information
The most important nutrient for male model's diet is protein. Protein helps aid in muscle recovery and can stave off hunger. Common sources of protein suitable for a model's diet include eggs and egg whites, lean cuts of steak, skinless chicken and fish. Consuming high amounts of protein, while avoiding simple sugars and unhealthy fats, keeps a model trim.
Supplements account for another important aspect of a model's diet, particularly protein shakes. Most shakes contain about 50 grams of both carbohydrates and protein and are consumed both before and after workouts. This helps to provide both energy for workouts, and nutrition the body needs to recover after workouts. Furthermore, it acts as a replacement for meals and keeps models satiated between meals.
Time Frame
The final essential element of the diet does not just cover what the model eats, but when they eat it. Meals are generally divided into five or six small meals spaced evenly throughout the day. Two to three of these meals generally consist of protein shakes. The division of meals serves two functions; it ensures models will not be too hungry in between meals and it stabilizes the metabolism.