How to Use HCG Drops
Using HCG Drops as Part of a Total Diet Program
See your family physician to ensure you are healthy enough to begin a severely calorie-restricted diet.
Tell your physician you intend to begin taking HCG drops. You will want to have your physician check you for any hormonal conditions that may contraindicate taking HCG drops.
Take the HCG drops as prescribed on the bottle. Apply the drops under your tongue. You should hold the drops in your mouth for at least 30 seconds to allow the HCG to absorb into the bloodstream before swallowing.
Start the diet by gorging yourself for two days while taking the HCG drops, the Official HCG Diet Plan website advises. Eat as much food as possible to keep yourself feeling full. Consume high-sugar and high-fat foods.
Follow a 500-calorie-a-day diet on day three through the remainder of your program. Programs range from 15 to 90 days.
Remove all sugars and starches from your diet from day three until the end of your program.
Stop taking the HCG drops after the last day of the program you have chosen.
Return to a diet of 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day. Do not consume sugars or starches for an additional three weeks after cessation of the HCG drops. After three weeks, slowly add starches and sugars back into your diet in sensible quantities.