How to Reduce Cheek Muscles
Sit in an upright position. Close your lips while relaxing. Use the muscles in your cheeks to pucker your lips. Hold that position while counting to 10. Repeat this step at least 10 times.
Relax your face and smile with your lips closed. Firmly suck your cheeks inwards and hold them there while counting to 10. Repeat this step 10 times in between relaxation. Doing this simple exercise daily can help to reduce cheek muscles.
Stand in front of a mirror while pouting your top lip. With the corners of your lips upwards, gently use your fingers to massage your cheek muscles towards your eyes. While you are doing this, force your top lip upwards so that it touches your nose. Count to 10 while holding this position. Repeat this step at least 5 times.
Reduce check muscles by keeping your teeth and lips closed. Slowly blow air upwards so that it comes from under your top lip. Hold that position as you count to 10. Pucker the left side of your cheeks and slowly blow air outwards at a count of 10. Repeat this with the right cheeks. Repeat this a total of 5 times.