Directions for the Hydroxycut Challenge
Take a before picture to document how you look before you begin the challenge. You should choose revealing attire, such as a bathing suit.
Purchase Hydroxycut Max. You may be able to find it at a local pharmacy or you can order it online.
Design a calorie-reduced diet that you will be able to follow for an extended period of time. The diet should be low fat and low sugar, emphasizing vegetables and foods with a low glycemic index. Your diet should include drinking ten 12 ounce glasses of water per day. Your diet should not include any snacking after dinner. Hydroxycut pills will decrease your appetite to help you stick with your plan.
Design an exercise program. The program should be at least thirty minutes (ideally one hour) a day, five days per week. The program should include a cardio. component; Hydroxycut Max burns fat more efficiently when you sweat. You will also want to tone your body, focusing on core workouts and light strength training. Your body will get used to your workout, so it is best to switch up your routine from day to day or week to week to ensure maximum results.
Take Hydroxycut Max pills and begin dieting with exercise. During week one, take one capsules three times daily. During week two, take two capsules three times daily. During week three and beyond, take three pills three times daily. Continue this plan for a minimum of four weeks.
Take an after picture. When you have completed the challenge, take a picture in the same setting as you did with the before picture. Compare the two photos to see how your body has transformed.