What Reputable Places Sell the Oral HCG Supplement?
The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone that is naturally produced during pregnancy. What scientists learned about this hormone is that when combined with certain natural aids and injected or placed under the tongue, it can release stored fat deposits in the body. HCG Diet Info, an online site with the world's largest resource for HCG diet and weight loss information, explains that there are two ways to purchase Oral HCG: online or at participating weight loss clinics.-
Dr. Daniel Belluscio whose medical career has been devoted to the study of HCG method for weight loss warns that, "HCG is not a magic wand. It does not cure or eradicate obesity, but weight losses are rapid, comfortable, and the maintenance period after the treatment runs a smoother course."
The state of Washington's HCG SlimAgain centers are in Tacoma and Seattle. HCG SlimAgain offers both the oral HCG treatments and the HCG injections. The medical staff will offer you a four stage program: preparation, weight regulation, transition, and maintenance. HCG SlimAgain is confident in their weight loss system stating that their patients can lose up to 20 lbs. in the their first month with 10 to 14 of them in the first week.
Meta-Health Weight Management Incorporated, with Kansas City and Columbia locations, focuses on the development of healthy eating and life style management by offering a weight loss program that combines a protein sharing modified fast with prescription oral HCG or HCG injections.
Meta-Health Weight Management's program typically lasts for 17 weeks and is broken down into five phases: pre-conditioning, weight reduction, stabilization, maintenance and follow-up. You can expect to lose 50 lbs with a 3- to 5-lb. weight loss per week.
New Mexico
Success Weightloss Systems' is a weight loss center in Alberque offers a program designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals by addressing the underlying cause of your weight gain, and providing either prescription Oral HCG or HCG Injections.
When participating in Success Weightloss Systems' you can expect to lose 1.5 lbs. a day, and the length of your tailored program is based on the results derived from your initial blood screening, and consultation. The center is open Monday through Friday with varying hours.