Tips on How to Reduce Belly Fat
Healthy Calorie Intake
The most effective and safest way a person can lose belly fat is by burning more calories than he consumes. He can accomplish this by either consuming healthy foods that have less calories than his current diet, or increasing his physical activity. Since a pound of body fat contains 3,500 calories, losing one pound in a week requires eliminating those calories from weekly food consumption, indicates MedlinePlus. This can be accomplished by reducing 500 calories per day. Increasing aerobic activity to one-half hour three times a week will increase muscle tissue, which burns even more calories.
Walk an Hour Per Day
Walking is a physical activity people utilize daily with no aerobic intent, but when used as a form of exercise, it contributes to heart health, increases energy and tones the legs and butt. Additionally, it can slim the abdominal area by reducing belly fat without lowering calories when a person walks one hour per day, according to the Prevention website. A normal pace is fine for this method of eliminating body fat, but increased intensity, such as power walking, also increases the weight loss benefits.
Strength Training
Strength training can help prevent and reduce belly fat when added to a weekly exercise regiment two times a week, according to Wellsphere. Other health benefits of strength training include a reduced risk for injuries, stronger bones and increased stamina. People who prefer to exercise at home, and don't own strength-training equipment can use their own body weight in exercises, like push-ups, squats and abdominal crunches. The use of free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, and resistance machines significantly increases the intensity and results of strength training.