Svelte Diet
First Phase
An initial consultation involves measurement of blood pressure, body-fat percentage and current weight, along with blood screening. With the aid of prescription medication, vitamin injections, diet plans and weekly supervision, progress of weight loss is monitored until the target weight is achieved.
Second Phase
Bragg calls this the Transitional Step to achieving ''Zone Wellness.'' Weekly supervision reinforces the participant's desire to maintain the body weight achieved through the program. There will be ongoing checks on blood pressure, weight and body fat percentage, along with vitamin injections and medication.
Third Phase
This is known as the Long-Term Maintenance Step. Continual monitoring on a monthly basis helps prevent regression and weight gain. Participants are given whatever information and encouragement is needed to live in ''the Zone.''
Although claiming a high success rate, Bragg states that this regime may not work for everyone. He also points out in the application form that just as obesity carries a higher risk of health problems, so the use of appetite suppressants and other medication can have side effects that may, on occasion, be serious or fatal.