Jackie Warner Diet Tips
Avoid Sugar
Warner describes sugar as "the devil." She advises you to avoid it because it causes fatigue and hormonal imbalance and jeopardizes your weight loss goals. She suggests that you read food labels carefully and do not buy any products that contain more than nine grams of sugar. Warner also recommends blending whole fruits because they provide fiber and important nutrients, whereas juicing fruits removes the fiber and gives you only sugary juices to drink. Because sugar is addictive, Warner advises that you remove all refined sugar from your diet for five days and allow yourself one "cheat meal" on the weekend to curb your sugar cravings.
Boost Your Metabolism
Warner explains that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) boosts your metabolism because it forces your body to draw energy from your fat reserves first. She recommends lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables and legumes to boost levels of HGH. Warner also recommends foods that boost levels of "fat-burning hormones," such as testosterone and progesterone. Yellow and orange vegetables, green leafy vegetables, eggs, meat, fish, fruits, nuts and legumes increase testosterone production, according to Warner. To increase progesterone levels, she recommends foods that contain B vitamins, such as beans, bananas, avocados, spinach and tomatoes, and foods that contain magnesium, such as almonds, eggs and seeds.
Categorize Your Food
Warner's weight loss tips guide you toward healthy eating habits and train you to "naturally reject sugars and processed foods." Warner does not suggest total abstinence from sugary and fatty foods because she believes that deprivation does not work. Instead, she advises you to sort foods into three categories: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. She suggests that you start each meal by eating a satisfying quantity of "good" foods: vegetables, fruits and lean protein. By filling up on "good" foods, you will train your appetite to require only a small quantity of "bad" foods like carbohydrates and an even smaller quantity of "ugly" foods, such as alcohol and desserts.