Plants That Promote Weight Loss
Soy Protein
Recent research reported in Science Daily suggests that soy consumption may be closely linked to the body's metabolism. A study examining the effect of soy on lab rats' weight loss found that soy did have an effect. The soy plant induces hormone production and other mechanisms in the body that help it to degrade lipids, resulting in greater weight loss results. The rats who ate soy lost more weight on average than those rats who did not. Science Daily states that "soy protein appeared to have caused weight loss, not by reducing food intake, but by altering the rats' metabolism." This finding could mean increased weight loss success to those who add soy to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Alfalfa's saponin content makes it an excellent diuretic. Saponins, according to Women Fitness, are natural compounds found in some plants that make fat more soluble and maintain the health of blood vessels. They bind with cholesterol and toxins before they enter the intestine, and flush these harmful elements out of the body.
Alfalfa leaves also contain flavones, isoflavones, and sterols. Herbs 2000 explains that the flavone family serves many purposes in the human body, including anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-tumor roles.
Another powerful diuretic, burdock has many health benefits that increase weight loss results. Other active ingredients in burdock include polyphenolic acids, unulin and non-hydroxy acids, making burdock an herbal blood purifier and detoxing element. The blood and the lymphatic system benefit from these detoxifying properties, according to Women Fitness.
To use burdock root, it is best to boil about an ounce of the dried plant in water for ten to twenty minutes, then allow it to cool. Women Fitness recommends drinking it between meals to detoxify your body and reduce hunger and food cravings.
Cayenne, Red Pepper & Spicy Foods
Cayenne has been known to improve circulation and digestion in the body. These thermogenic effects work to increase the core body temperature of a person, thereby increasing the metabolism and burn rate of calories. Women Fitness reports that participants in a recent study lost more weight when taking cayenne.
Red pepper, hot mustard and other spicy substances have similar effects. These spices raise the metabolic rates by up to 25 percent. They also stimulate thirst, which causes a person to take in more liquids, which can also reduce weight gain.
This spiky, thorny plant has hidden health benefits due to its high nutritional value and detoxifying effects. It is rich in vitamins C and E, as well as in minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, silica, and potassium. Nettles help the body to repair and maintain itself, which keeps a person fit and able to perform exercise. While doing so, this plant also clears away toxins from the body. Further, research has shown that nettles reduce cravings by "feeding the cells on a deeper level." As a result, drinking nettle tea is a successful way to curb appetite and cravings, while boosting weight loss.
Green Tea
Clinical studies of green tea, conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, showed this plant to have an effect on the metabolism and the process of fat oxidation. Both processes increased when participants took green tea extract daily. Researchers believe green tea works by increasing the amount of energy expediture that takes place within the body.