How to Follow the High School Reunion Diet
Follow the detox phase of the diet for two weeks. During these two weeks, you're only permitted to eat foods that have not undergone processing. Foods allowed during this phase of the High School Reunion Diet are green leafy vegetables, carrots, peppers, berries, grapefruit, nuts, lean cuts of meat, fish, eggs and spices. Healthy fats, such as olive oil and canola oil, can be used to prepare these foods.
Include more foods after two weeks. The diet is separated into two phases. During the second phase you're encouraged to include more whole grains and fruits into your diet. Some food suggestions include whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole grain cereal, apples, pears, peaches and nectarines.
Use supplements as part of the diet. To ensure you're getting all the nutrients required for optimal health; the High School Reunion Diet plan requires a multivitamin, fish oil capsule, vitamin C and vitamin E supplement daily.
Cut out soda and fruit juices. Consume approximately six to eight glasses of water per day instead. Coffee and tea are permitted on the weight loss plan.
Continue on the diet for 30 days. The website suggests extending the amount of time you follow the diet if you have more weight to lose.