Stacker 3 Facts
NVE Pharmaceuticals claims Stacker 3 improves mental alertness, increases energy and stamina, improves the body's ability to burn fat and inhibits the body from storing fat. Stacker 3 does not contain ephedra, an herbal ingredient banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration after it was linked to heart attacks and strokes.
Among Stacker 3's natural ingredients are chitosan, grapefruit extract and kola nut extract. Chitosan, according to The Directory of Life Extension Supplements, showed in studies involving rats to trap fat which in turn was excreted in the rats' feces. Grapefruit has long been linked with weight loss. The Department of Nutrition and Metabolic Research at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California, found that a study group given grapefruit demonstrated significantly more weight loss than a placebo group. Kola nut contains a high amount of caffeine, which can lead to a thermogenic boost.
Stacker 3 is not recommended for use by anyone under 18. This product should also not be used by anyone nursing or pregnant. Side effects of Stacker 3 may include nausea, shakes and weakness. Stacker 3 fat burner is also not intended for use to treat, cure or prevent disease.