Tips on Losing a Fat Face
Results of Facial Weight Gain
Facial fat is seen as cute when sported by babies, but less widely so by adults. The most obvious reason for facial fat is aging, which causes the muscles of the face to lose elasticity. But there are many other reasons, such as lack of sleep and exercise, excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine, and poor diet. The results of facial weight gain may include such features as puffy or "piggy" eyes, chubby cheeks, double chin and droopy jowels, all of which can serve to decrease a person's attractiveness in their own eyes, and therefore their self-esteem.
Exercises for Double Chin and Jowls
There are several simple exercises for reducing facial fat. There are many facial exercises for losing fat, which can be practised daily, depending on the region which has been most affected. In the case of a double chin, which is so often accompanied by sagging jowls, one exercise is to drape the bottom lip over the bottom row of teeth, thereby lending a toothless appearance to the face, and then to open the mouth up and down for a few minutes each day. This will serve to tighten and tone the muscles of the chin area. Another is to use the hand, with fingers held tightly together, to repeatedly tap the underside of the chin, again for a few minutes, and on a daily basis.
Exercises for Chubby Cheeks
A simple smiling exercise can reduce chubby cheeks. One of the simplest ways of reducing fat in the area of the facial cheeks is to smile, which can be practised in the mirror, both with teeth bared and concealed, holding each smile for five to 10 seconds five times daily. This will have the effect of tightening up facial muscles, and so reducing fat. Another method is to inflate both cheeks with air, and then move the air from one cheek to another until tiredness sets in. This can be repeated four times on a daily basis. Still another is to smile by pursing the lips, then hollowing the cheeks, holding this position for around five seconds; then smiling again and so on. This can repeated up to five times daily.
Healthy Food, Drink and Exercise
Regular exercise will help to reduce weight gain in the face and other parts of the body. Certain foods and drinks have the effect of reducing facial fat, and these include fresh fruit and nuts, as well as raw uncooked vegetables and milk. Regular hydration of the body can have the same effect, as weight gain is often the result of dehydration: Eight glasses of water a day will help maintain healthy weight levels. Also, salt intake should be reduced, as salt promotes water retention. Regular exercise will also help, as this serves to sweat out toxins that might contribute to weight gain in the face and other areas of the body.