Weight Loss Breeze Exercises
Rythmic Walking
The first and most intense of the three exercises that are suggested as a part of the Breeze exercise system mimics the effects of brisk walking. The exercise can be done anywhere and requires no weights or special equipment. To perform the exercise. Stand in one place with your feet planted solidly on the floor and your arms bent slightly at your side. Begin rocking from side to side as if you were walking in place, but without moving your feet. While moving, take quick, deep breaths in and then exhale in rhythm with your walking movements. Continue this exercise for at least twelve minutes. According to the program, this exercise should be performed at least once per day for best results.
Another of the Breeze exercises focuses more on deep breathing rather than rapid inhalations and exhalations. During the exercise, steady, deep breathing movements are performed while the participant attempts to release stress and aggression through the repetition of various phrases. This phase is called the release. Participants may choose any words or phrases they wish to repeat as part of the exercise, as long as the verbiage is significant to any negative emotions they may be feeling. To perform the exercise, stand or sit in a comfortable position with your arms relaxed. Slowly but steadily begin inhaling and exhaling. After a few of these repetitions, replace exhales with the words or phrases that you wish to release from your mind. Continue this exercise for 10 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable and repeat at least once per day.
The meditation exercise, sometimes referred to as the relaxation exercise, is usually done lying down and can be performed just before bed or whenever a resting period is available. To perform the exercise, lay down in a comfortable location, with the lights dimmed or turned off. With eyes closed, begin focusing on your breathing, taking deep and purposeful breaths and exhaling slowly. If performed properly, inhalations should come from deep within the bottom of your esophagus, expanding your lungs as full as possible. Exhalations should be slow and steady, not rushed. The purpose of this exercise is to release stress, lower blood pressure and assist in the weight loss process while imparting a more relaxed state for the body, which can also assist with better sleep.