Food to Eat to Raise Metabolism
Almonds are a great source of energy. Aside from lowering cholesterol and helping to prevent heart disease, almonds make a great source of energy. Rich in manganese, riboflavin and copper, these unassuming nuts contain copious amounts of fiber, protein and healthy fat--three key components in boosting metabolism.
Apples are low in calories and high in fiber. Apples form an important staple in a healthy diet. They are low in calories and high in fiber. Not only can they help prevent cancer, but they also make a great food for boosting your metabolism. By eating two to three apples a day, you challenge your metabolism to burn more energy. Because apples are so high in fiber, it takes more energy to break them down.
Beans are great for your digestion. Eating beans helps your body tremendously because they are low in fat and high in both protein and fiber, which does great things your digestion system. Like the apple, they challenge your metabolism to work harder since it takes more energy to break them down.
Chili Peppers
Chili peppers raise body temperature and metabolism. Chili peppers help fight off sinus congestion, inflammation and cancer, and also provide strong benefits to burning fat and energy. Chili peppers motivate a body's thermogenesis (heat production), causing your metabolism to rise along with the temperature of your body. That increased heat, in turn, produces more energy.
Lean Meat
Lean meat is packed with B vitamins. Since the human body depends upon protein to maintain muscle and fight off disease, you should include lean meat in your diet. Lean meat, including chicken and turkey breast, contains copious amounts of B vitamins which can help to boost your metabolism and increase your energy level while maintaining a healthy weight. Eaten in moderation and in lean portions, red meat also makes a good source of protein.
Spinach is rich in iron. If you really want to increase your metabolism, eat more spinach. Spinach contains large amounts of iron, which helps to increase strength, as well as the amount of oxygen that flows through your body. As a result, your body burns more energy. The richer leafy vegetables are in color, the more vitamins and minerals they contain.