What Are the Benefits of a Water Diet?
Appetite Supression and Calorie Control
Drinking water can help suppress appetite and reduce calorie intake. A twelve-week study at Virginia Tech revealed that dieters consuming two cups of water before meals lost five pounds more than those who did not drink additional water. Both groups ate a low-calorie diet, but dieters drinking water before meals consumed 75-90 calories less than those who did not. Researchers indicate that drinking water before meals suppressed appetites by making subjects feel fuller, thus aiding in portion control.
Blake Sylvia developed the Before, During, and After diet after losing 70 pounds in 7 months by drinking eight ounces of water before, during, and after each meal, which helped him reduce his caloric intake.
Hunger and Thirst
Thirst can often be mistaken for hunger; this can cause you to reach for a high-calorie snack instead of water. Drinking water before you grab a snack can help you avoid extra calories and will provide the hydration your body needs. Staying hydrated throughout the day can keep these hunger pangs at bay.
Increase Metabolism
Dehydration can slow your metabolism, decreasing the number of calories burned. Drinking plenty of water wards off dehydration, thus increasing your metabolism and your calorie burn.
Drinking ice-cold water rather than water at room temperature can also increase your calorie burn. Researchers estimate that consuming four to eight cups of ice-cold water a day can burn between 50 and 100 calories, according to Prevention.com.
Diet Modification
Water diets do not require that participants change their diet in any way, though diet modification will increase weight loss. Increased water consumption allows dieters to eat the foods they enjoy in a smaller portion while still feeling satisfied.
Toxins and Water Retention
Water cleans your body of toxins, which can lead to better overall health. Drinking more water can also help eliminate water retention, caused by increased sodium in the body. Drinking enough water decreases sodium levels, helping to rid your body of excess fluids, according to Prevention.com.