How to Trim Tummy Fat
Eliminate any bad habits. This includes consuming alcohol, using tobacco products, taking in too much sugar and consuming too much salt. Alcohol contains a lot of carbohydrates that usually get stored as fat, hence the term "beer gut." According to the article "Flatten Your Belly" in Prevention Magazine, smokers usually have a larger midsection than non-smokers, but this usually decreases when the smoking stops. Salt and sugar add to the bulge, so it is best to not add any table sugar or salt to your foods. This includes buying foods and beverages with no added sugars.
Increase your water intake to trim tummy fat, especially during your period. You can decrease bloating during that time of the month by drinking plenty of water. Drinking water is good for you and keeps you from drinking beverages loaded with calories, sodium and carbohydrates. According to the Mayo Clinic, adults should be drinking eight 8-oz. glasses of water each day. Remember this as the "8 x 8 rule."
Relax and stay calm. Meditation helps achieve a permanent state of calm better than, say, a bath, which helps relaxation for only a little while. Stress can cause emotional eating, and meditation helps you become aware of this problem and reduce stress. Meditate by choosing a quiet and private place, and sitting with your back straight and your legs crossed in front of you. Close your eyes, and allow thoughts to come to you. Acknowledge them and then let them pass.
Increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Fiber helps keep you full longer so you don't overeat. The right amount of fiber can also prevent bloating from constipation. According to Prevention, adults should be getting 22 to 25 grams of fiber a day. To get more from your food eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you can't get more fiber this way, try a powder supplement.
Practice proper posture to trim tummy fat. Slouching makes your stomach look fatter than it actually is. Sit and stand with your back straight and shoulders back. Be on a mission to catch yourself slouching and correct it whenever you find yourself doing it. Soon you will be practicing proper posture all the time without a second thought.
Perform intense cardio workouts. According to personal trainer, Christian Finn, 30 to 40 minutes a day three times a week is not enough cardio exercise to trim tummy fat. Finn says belly fat is stored energy, and you need to burn more calories than you eat to get rid of it. Prevention Magazine advises 45 minutes to one hour of cardio five times a week for results.
Lift weights to build muscle and keep your bones strong. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn 24 hours a day. Lifting weights also helps strengthen your bones, which need to be strong, as weak bones can fracture easily. A broken spine can result in that slumping that causes the belly to stick out. Adults need 1,000 grams of calcium a day, while those 50 and over need 1,200.