Foods to Help Lose Fat
Protein-rich foods like eggs, beans, nuts and whole grains can help the body burn fat--specifically fat stored in the belly. Foods with high amounts of protein take much longer to break down and digest and, therefore, burn more energy and calories.
Any kind of nut, including walnuts, pistachios, peanuts and almonds, can increase the body's ability to burn fat. In addition, nuts are very high in protein and extremely filling so the body becomes full more quickly.
Apples can help the body in the fat burning process because they contain the pectin. Pectin targets cells and blocks them from absorbing fat and helps absorb water from food instead, which helps flush fat from the body. A person suffering from excess belly fat may be have a condition called metabolic syndrome. The antioxidants in apples help prevent the condition as well as strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Food and dishes that contain a large amount of chili, such as Mexican, Indian or Asian food, can help burn calories. Chilies contain capsicum, which increases a person's metabolism and makes the body burn calories well after they are consumed.
Vitamin C
Foods that contain a lot of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, can help the body burn fat when consumed in high doses. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, limes, tangerines and grapefruit, as well as vegetables such as potatoes, peppers and broccoli, contain a lot of vitamin C, which dilutes the fat and makes it easier for the body to release it.
Cheese, milk, yogurt, cream and any other products that are high in calcium can assist the body when burning fat. When consumed everyday, foods and beverages that are high in calcium target fat cells and begin to break them down. For this process to have good results, a person should consume at least three to four products that are high in calcium every day.