The Best Foods to Cut Fat
The studies focused on red peppers. Hot peppers, such as jalapeños, contain a chemical called capsaicin, which not only provides the peppers' powerful flavor but may also boost one's metabolism. Laval University in Quebec performed a study that discovered men who ate coffee and red peppers at snacks and meals burned 1,000 more calories a day. A Japanese study published in the British Journal of Nutrition also found a post-meal boost in metabolism from red peppers. Add some spice to your meals by sprinkling in a few red pepper flakes instead of black pepper.
Choose lean cuts of meat to keep the calories low. According to WebMD, the body needs 25 percent more energy to digest protein. The best choices are lean cuts such as boneless, skinless chicken breasts, lean ground beef or turkey. Furthermore, a high protein snack may boost metabolism more than the same number of calories from carbohydrates. Grab a couple of hard-boiled eggs for a protein-packed portable snack.
Fish oil can be found in caplets. The Mayo Clinic discovered that omega-3 fatty acids lower leptin levels significantly. Lower leptin levels equal a faster metabolism and better fat-burning ability, according to the University of Wisconsin. For people who don't like fish, the good news is that fish oil caplets may have the same benefits. French researchers discovered that men who consumed six grams of fish oil instead of six grams of other dietary fat revved up their metabolisms and lost 2 pounds in 12 weeks. Get more omega-3's by steaming some halibut for a protein-packed filling meal.
Green Tea
EGCG,found in green tea, is a powerful antioxidant. Green tea contains a chemical called EGCG, which, according to Men's Health Magazine, makes your nervous system and brain run faster, and that burns more calories. Combining this chemical with caffeine can also have a positive effect on metabolism. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that 90 mg of EGCG taken with 50 mg of caffeine during a meal burned 4 percent more calories over the next 24 hours. Replace your morning coffee with green tea at breakfast to boost your metabolism first thing in the morning.