Smoothie Fasting Diet
Juice or Smoothies
Juice is made from fresh fruit and vegetables using a juicer. The fruit or vegetable is squeezed through the juicer and only the juice is consumed. Smoothies are made from whole fruit or vegetables, and are pureed in a blender, sometimes yogurt, milk, oats or bran are added. Either juices or smoothies can be used.
It not usually advisable to start a long smoothie fast straight away. As fasting involves only drinking smoothies or juice for up to a week, it can be difficult to follow. Drink three to five smoothies or juices a day for 24 hours and then build toward a longer duration.
Dr. Cynthia Foster M.D, a doctor who extols the endless virtues of juice fasting, claims that you can cleanse the body, and even cure the body of diseases such as cancer. But many people simply use juice or smoothie fasting to lose weight fast; and such an extreme diet should not be continued for any length of time.
Side Effects
Side effects can apparently range from headaches, nausea and dizziness to bad breath and a furry tongue while your body removes the toxins.
Fasting of any kind, including juice fasting and smoothie fasting should not be attempted by anyone without first checking with a doctor or medical professional. Especially those with diabetes or any serious medical condition.