Examples of High-Fat Foods
Fast Foods
To stay healthy, drive right on past those fast-food restaurants. Burgers, fried chicken, french fries and other favorites taste good but are all full of fat. If eating out with friends at convenience restaurants, stick with salads, if available, but don't slather on the high-fat dressing.
Baked Goods
Donuts, cakes, cookies and most commercially baked goods all contain high fat. Margarine, the mother of all saturated and trans fats, is used in most commercial bakeries along with shortening. If you love baked goods, try home baking them yourself so that you have control of all the ingredients, including the use of low-fat or fat-free substitutes.
Dips and Chips
According to the University of Pennsylvania, chips, even those advertised as "reduced fat," are loaded with trans fats. Small bags of potato chips can contain 3.2 grams of trans fat, according to the website. Check labels, as some brands have now removed trans fat from their products. Replace snacks containing trans fats with healthier items such as pita bread, pretzels or whole-wheat toast. Dips for chips also contain large amounts of trans fat, so try tomato sauces or salsas instead.
Healthy High-Fat Foods
Not all high-fat foods are unhealthy. Some, in moderation, are good for you. According to the Mayo Clinic, examples include nuts, salmon, olive and canola oils and fruits like avocados. These foods contain polyunsaturated fats like omega-3 fatty acids. The Mayo Clinic website states that these fats are beneficial to the body as they help lower blood pressure and may aid the heart. It notes that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats reduces levels of total cholesterol as well as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood.