Quick Ways to Lose Weight in the Stomach
Drink Water
Dehydration slows down the metabolism and fat burning process in our bodies, so make sure to drink plenty of water. The average person needs around six to eight large glasses every day. Replacing the higher calorie beverages with plain water can not only significantly reduce calories, it can decrease your appetite.
Plenty of Fruits and Veggies
Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates and fiber. They are also low in fat so they help to satisfy your hunger and fill you up without loading you with calories. Try to eat at least nine servings of vegetables and fruits a day. Go for a wide variety of produce to give your body the mix of nutrients it needs.
Be sure to add some good protein sources into your daily diet. Chicken, fish, nuts and milk are all good choices. While red meat is a good source of protein, it is high in calories and saturated fat. Try to limit the amount you eat and make sure the meat is lean and trimmed of fat.
You will need to do some exercise toburn off calories. If you don't have the time for a daily workout routine, take a long walk, ride your bike, jog around the neighborhood, or do aerobics. Physical exercise will keep your heart healthy and will help your metabolism burn more calories.