Fast Dieting Tips to Lose Weight
Cut Calories
The most basic rule of weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume. Experts recommend creating a daily deficit of 500 calories through diet and exercise. This can help you lose one or two pounds per week. For faster weight loss, consider cutting sodium and starches from your diet, thereby adding an extra 100 or 200 calories to your deficit. Just be sure not to go below 1,200 calories per day. And always check with a doctor before beginning any weight-loss program.
Eat Frequently
Most people eat the traditional three meals a day. But this can actually hinder weight loss goals, because your body goes into starvation mode between meals, holding onto fat for energy. Eating five or six smaller meals helps balance your daily caloric intake and also keeps your metabolism going at a steady pace. Eating more frequently also helps keep blood sugar levels balanced.
Reduce Portions
Many people overeat without realizing it simply because their portions are too big. Using a large plate for dinner actually makes you eat more, even if you're full. Try switching to a salad plate. Eating from a smaller plate makes it seem like you're getting a lot of food because the plate looks so full, when actually you're eating less.
Eat Healthy Foods
You know the drill: Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. They are naturally high in fiber and low in fat. Switch your bread, rice, cereal and pasta to whole grain, which contains more fiber and nutrients than white bread or pasta. Stay away from processed foods, and use fresh ingredients wherever possible. When grocery shopping, stick to the perimeter of the store, because this is where you will find natural, fresh foods.
Keep a Food Journal
Writing down what you eat will help you see exactly what you consume each day, and it will also help you figure out where to cut calories. Often we don't realize how much we're eating until we write it all down. Keeping a food journal can also help you stay on track with weight-loss goals. Enlist a family member or friend to go over your food journal with you if you need extra willpower.