The Best Ways to Start Losing Weight
Small Changes
It's not wise to have an all or nothing attitude when it comes to your weight loss. It's best to make small changes toward larger accomplishments. Instead of quitting your favorite food cold turkey, try cutting down on consumption. "For instance, instead of swearing off soda, keep just one can in the fridge at a time and store the rest in the basement," suggests Fitness Magazine. This way you will think about whether you really want it before you have to make the hike downstairs. With exercise, you can start by getting up early one day a week and work up from there.
Support is an important asset in the weight loss journey. This doesn't mean someone has to watch everything you put in your mouth. However, it will help to have a cheerleader and a shoulder to lean on when you need it. Seek support from family members and friends. If that isn't possible, there are groups like Overeater's Anonymous and the TOPs Club that offer support groups. Also there are online support sites like SparkPeople, Weight Loss Buddy and Peer Trainer.
Small Goals
Large goals can seem daunting, but setting small goals will help maintain strong motivation throughout your journey. If your ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds, you can set miniature goals of five or 10 pounds until you get to 50. If you want to run a 5K, but can only walk short distance it's OK. You can start by walking to the mailbox, then around the block, then a mile, working your way up to 5K. Other options include only having dessert four nights a week, eventually reducing that down to one or working toward eating breakfast every morning, if you are a person who has been skipping breakfast.
Though planning may seem tedious, it is a very efficient way to start losing weight. If you plan your meals ahead of time, you won't have to think about what you are eating when you come home from work. Even cooking meals ahead of time and freezing them allows you to have healthy choices. Planning can even transcend into eating out. "If you are eating out, try to think about healthy eating options ahead of time, and if you are going to a restaurant that has delicious bread or tortilla chips, have a small snack before you leave so you aren't famished when you get there," suggests Dr. Melina Jampolis, a physician and nutrition specialist.