How to Burn Hip Fat
Do cardio. Cardio is the best way to lose weight quickly. Consider power walking, running, jumping rope or spin classes for the greatest results. Exercise for one hour per day at least four days per week for the best benefits.
Evaluate what you are drinking and eating. Cut down on alcohol, as it has a lot of calories, which adds fat to the body quickly, especially in the hips and belly. Avoid processed, sugary and fried foods. These foods are high in saturated fat, which causes weight gain.
Incorporate healthy food into your diet. The best foods for weight loss are fruits, vegetables, nuts and fiber. Keep these foods on hand and eat regularly. These foods will keep you satisfied, so you do not overeat the bad stuff.
Manage stress and sleep. Stress and lack of sleep causes poor eating and exercise habits, which leads to weight gain. Try to get 8 hours of sleep a night, going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. Manage stress by taking time for yourself; consider a massage or meditation.
Do exercises that target your hips like leg raises or hip raises. You can add ankle weights to these exercises for even better benefits. Weights burn fat and build muscle quickly. When using weights do three sets of 10 every other day, allowing your body to recover on the day between.