Decaf Green Tea to Lose Weight
There are four types of tea: black, oolong, green and white. The difference is in the amount of oxidation which occurs in processing. Black tea has the most and green tea little, if any. This allows green tea to retain its natural enzymes and fresh, grassy taste.
Green tea contains polyphenol catechins, which are powerful antioxidants. It also contains caffeine, which many people find difficult to tolerate. The combination of the two acts to speed metabolism to burn fat. It is available in many varieties---plain or with fruit or herb combinations.
In addition to its disease-prevention capabilities, drinking three to five cups of green tea a day helps block dietary fat absorption, lower total cholesterol levels and regulate blood-sugar levels.
Decaffeinated green tea provides the same health benefits of regular green tea without increasing blood pressure or other caffeine side effects. Removing the caffeine can slow the tea's fat-burning capabilities, so you may need to increase consumption from three to least five cups of decaf a day.
You can remove 80 percent of the caffeine in green tea by steeping the leaves in boiling water for 30 seconds and then discarding the water. Steep the same leaves again in fresh boiling water and enjoy.