Essential Foods That Help You Lose Weight
To lose weight you must take in fewer calories than you use, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. No matter what diet program you're using to lose weight, there are actually a few foods you can add into the plan that will help you reach your goals.-
Doctors recommend consuming 8 to 9 cups of water a day to stay hydrated. But a study out of Germany has actually found scientific evidence that drinking water helps weight loss efforts. The study, conducted by Michael Boschmann, M.D., found that drinking 17 ounces of water boosted metabolic rates by 30 percent within 10 minutes of drinking the water. The study said drinking 2 liters each day would burn approximately 95 calories a day or up to nine pounds a year. About 40 percent of the increase can be attributed to the body trying to heat the water, so add some ice cubes.
Obesity Research published a study that found eating two 10-ounce servings of broth-type soup almost doubled the amount of weight lost over six months. The study says that adding water to foods like soup is more filling than drinking water separately.
Peanuts may be high in calories but they can also help you lose weight. While this may seem counterintuitive, Purdue University discovered that people who ate peanuts consumed less over the entire day and were "more likely to maintain weight." The study found the same results even if people ate as many peanuts as they wanted. According to Purdue researchers there are three possible answers as to why peanuts are helpful with weight. First, peanuts are very filling, so it is possible that eating peanuts reduces the amount of other food consumed. Second, it is possible peanuts increase the metabolism and third it is possible the body doesn't absorb some of the nuts' calories because people don't chew the nuts completely.
Healthy Fat
The monounsaturated fat found in olive oil and avocados has been found to increase satiety, the full satisfied feeling you get after eating. Adding a bit to salads or pasta can actually help you feel fuller and eat less according to "Self Magazine."
White fish like halibut and cod was named the most filling food by the Australian Satiety Index. A study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden found that people who had fish for lunch ate 11 percent less at dinner. The researchers believe this is because the strong flavor of fish causes people to feel fuller.
Steel-cut and rolled oats are packed with up to five grams of fiber per serving. The author of The F-Factor Diet, Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D. said in an interview with "Self Magazine" that "fiber may actually prevent some of the fat you eat from being absorbed because fiber pulls fat through the digestive tract." Even instant oatmeal can be a good addition to a diet, providing 3 to 4 grams of fiber. Apples are another great source of fiber. They are also high in water, helping you feel fuller and help prevent spikes in blood sugar. Make sure you leave the peel on as it contains half the fiber and most of the vitamin C, iron and magnesium.
Eating eggs for breakfast can help you eat less during the day according to a study published in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition." People who consumed two eggs for breakfast ate 400 fewer calories in 24 hours versus people who ate bagels. Researchers believe this is because eggs, which are rich in protein, help people stay fuller.