The Easy Ab Diet
You Can't Spot Reduce
Even though certain exercises and certain machines sound as if they can take inches off your arms, thighs and stomach, they simply can't; they can only train and develop muscles, which must be revealed by progressively reducing fat all over your body. Spot reducing is one of the biggest misconceptions of the fitness world, because many people incorrectly think you can target a section of the body to lose weight from. Therefore, doing a thousand crunches every day won't necessarily help you achieve great abs; you need to adjust your diet as well.
Spread Meals Throughout the Day
The most important change you can make is to eat 5 to 6 small meals per day rather than 2 to 3 larger ones. Eating smaller meals can help you avoid overeating, and eating more regularly throughout the day can increase your metabolism and help you burn fat. A few of these meals should be healthy, protein-heavy snacks, such as nuts or cheese. In addition, try to choose foods that have not been heavily processed.
Reduce Calories
Doing simple things like reducing condiments like sugar and ketchup, as well as alcohol, can drastically reduce the number of calories you eat without affecting your hunger or energy levels.
Eat Good Fat, High Protein, Complex Carbs
Even though saturated fats have been blamed for packing on unnecessary pounds, you shouldn't try to consume only low-fat foods. Experts have shown that all types of fat can be very good for us, help our bodies to function, and are crucial for weight loss. In addition, you can achieve weight loss most easily by avoiding simple carbohydrates (like white bread) and selecting whole-wheat, high-fiber carbohydrates. At least 30 percent of your calories should come from protein, and at least 15 percent from fat.
When trying to reveal your abs, cardiovascular exercises are most important. You must do at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity to begin to get ideal weight loss benefits from the exercise. Later on, once you have burned a sufficient amount of fat to reveal your abs, you can develop them further with crunches, leg lifts, side crunches, etc.