How to Remove Fat Around the Waist
Practicing regular cardiovascular exercise is the best way to remove fat from the midriff, according to the Shape up Shop website. The website advocates aerobics, basketball, tennis, walking, jogging and swimming, and recommends doing these five days a week for at least twenty minutes. Such strenuous activity will condition the heart while burning muscle fat and toning the body.
"Push-Aways" are cited by the Elite Wellness Coaching website as the most effective belly fat-reducing exercise. After consuming a medium serving of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and a small amount of unsaturated fat, place your hands in front of you with your elbows at ninety degree angles. Press the heels of your hands vigorously against the table, then stand and walk away. It works!
Toning the triceps, biceps, back, chest, buttocks and thighs, in addition to the abdomen, forces the body to increase its metabolism, meaning that calories ingested will be taken up strengthening these muscles rather than turning to fat. According to the Shape up Shop website, yoga is an effective activity for strengthening the abdominal muscles and back. The website also recommends weight training, which strengthens the bones and increases the metabolism, in addition to walking, which is an effective exercise for all of the abdominal muscles.
Sleep, according to the Elite Wellness Coaching website, is a less obvious but necessary activity for maintaining a trim waist. Citing sleep deprivation as one of the many causes of weight gain, the website concedes that the body responds to a lack of sleep by depositing more fat--especially abdominal fat.