How to Lose 34 Pounds
Burn off more calories than you eat. This will create a calorie deficit and cause you to lose weight. Experts from suggest cutting your caloric intake by 500 calories a day, consuming no less than 1,050 calories. Anything below this point is dangerous to your health.
Exercise regularly. Physical activity will take the pounds off and help you reach your goal of losing 34 pounds. Cardiovascular workouts coupled with strength training such as running, walking, aerobics and weight training are ideal exercises for losing weight. You should exercise at least three hours a week, depending on how fast you want to lose weight
Minimize your salts and starches. Doing this will decrease fluid retention in your body, which could result in as much as a five-pound weight loss.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating more of these foods will help to decrease your calorie and fat intake while providing your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs.
Consume more lean meats. Lean meats have a minimal amount of fat which means less fat on your body. Meats such as skinless poultry, fish and 95 percent lean beef are ideal for weight loss.
Drink lots of water. You need to drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day whether you're trying to lose weight or not. Drinking water rids the body of unhealthy toxins and poisons. It also helps you to not confuse being hungry with being thirsty.
Eat at least three meals a day and healthy, low-calorie snacks in between. Skipping meals increases hunger and can cause you to overeat when you finally do have a meal. Healthy snacks such as raw fruits and vegetables are good for this.