How to Burn Fat for Teenage Girls
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese. For many teenage girls the need to lose this weight tends to be a major cause of stress, and many are looking for a way to burn fat to stay thin. There are fun ways to stay thin and, above all, healthy. Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine.
What To Do
Exercise in the morning for at least 30 minutes. Cardiovascular exercise, such as running and jumping, in the morning will boost your metabolism, thus helping you burn calories faster and more effectively. Exercise at least three times per week.
Eat breakfast. A study led by Dr. Heather J. Leidy and published in the online edition of the International Journal of Obesity in February 2010 examined teenagers who ate breakfast and found that they ate, on average, 130 fewer calories at lunch. A healthy breakfast includes carbohydrates and protein. Egg whites and fruits low in sugar, such as apples, are a healthy option.
Eat slowly. This will allow time for your brain to detect that your stomach full, and will help you avoid overeating.
Keep active throughout the day. Walk outdoors or in a mall, alone or with a friend--whatever makes you most comfortable. With a companion along, not only will you burn fat, but you will also have fun while doing it.
Get involved in school activities. As a teenager, you may not have the money to pay for a gym membership, but you do have access to extracurricular activities your school may offer. Take up a sport and you will be working out almost every day of the week.
Stay away from passive activities, such as watching television or playing video games. Although your body is always burning calories, the amount of calories burned diminishes significantly when your body is at rest.
Stay away from processed foods and sweets. If the food is canned, frozen, refrigerated, or dehydrated, it is processed. Processed foods are usually higher in sugar, salt and fat, and lower in nutrients. This leads to weight gain and water retention. Also, sugar that is not used is stored as fat.