Quick Sources of Protein
Protein Bars
Keeping a protein bar on hand is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get an extra protein boost. When selecting a bar, avoid those with high amounts of fat and carbohydrates. Protein bars can be expensive; mix them with other choices that also offer high protein levels.
Cottage Cheese and Fruit
This tasty snack provides the extra protein you need. Just a half cup of 2 percent cottage cheese has only about 106 calories and contains approximately 16 grams of the protein you need. Add fruits to your cottage cheese to up the protein in your snack. One cup of blackberries contains 2 grams of protein, 1 cup of frozen loganberries contains 2.23 grams, one mango without its peel has about 1 gram of protein and one medium peach contains just over 1 gram of protein. Cottage cheese and fruit also make for a healthy breakfast for those who are in a hurry but still need a protein kick for the start of the day.
Protein Shake
Though protein shakes may not be as quick as some other protein snacks, you can easily make one ahead of time and bring it to the gym or drink it the car. Weight loss companies make protein powders specifically for shakes and drinks, but you can also make your own shake at home: Combine 2 cups of sugar-free soy milk, three egg whites, one banana, 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter, 1/3 cup of rolled oats and 2 tbsp. flax seed oil or powder. Making your own shake at home puts you in control of what goes into your body, and your homemade shake might taste better than shakes containing many of the protein powders on the market today.
Peanut Butter
One tbsp. of peanut butter contains four grams of protein. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, spread peanut butter onto banana halves or a crisp piece of celery, or simply eat a spoon full of peanut butter. Look for a natural peanut butter at your grocery store or, better yet, a place where you can grind your own peanuts, to eliminate the extra sugars and fats often added to factory-made peanut butters.