Quick & Easy Tips to Lose Weight in Two Weeks
Drink Water All The Time.
Water aids in the fat-burning process The health benefits of water are well-documented, and for the purpose of losing weight in two weeks, it is of paramount importance. Water aids in the fat-burning process in several ways, including increased metabolism, ridding the body of toxins, and keeping you hydrated enough to exercise. Always try to carry a bottle of water with you, and drink eight to 10 cups per day.
Burn More Calories Than You Consume
By burning more calories than you consume, you create what is called a "calorie deficit." The difference between your calorie intake and how many calories you burn each day will have a direct effect on the amount of weight you lose. A calorie deficit forces your body to burn stored fat and energy to replace the deficit, leading to weight loss.
Do Cardio Exercise
Cardio exercise is the fastest and most efficient way to burn calories. This refers to any activity that increases and maintains a higher-than-normal heart rate. There are many ways to incorporate cardio exercise into your daily routine; taking the stairs, riding your bike to work, walking to the store, and playing with your children or pets, are all ways to squeeze in a cardio workout. Try to get your heart rate up for 45 to 60 minutes per day.
Watch What You Eat
Your diet is the secret to how much weight you lose. First, cut out all fast food from your diet. Fast foods are high in fat, calories, and sodium; all things that can ruin a weight-loss plan. Try to eat less, more often. This will help you keep your portions under control, leading to an increased metabolism. Eating fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with good-for-you fiber, are a great way to help you feel full and avoid unhealthy alternatives. By eating low fat/low calorie foods, you will be well on your way to creating a calorie deficit, and in turn, losing weight.