How to Burn 800 Calories a Day
Things You'll Need
- Access to Internet
- Online food calculator
- Online caloric expenditure calculator
- Calculator
- Pen
- Paper
Determine your BMR, which is the amount of calories your body burns at rest without any activity. This will give you a foundation to build from in determining how to burn an additional 800 calories per day. There are many online BMR calculators to help you do this.
Record your food using an online food calculator, which is an easy and free way to tally up the total amount of calories you are eating per day. Be honest and be as accurate as possible. Every teaspoon of sugar counts.
Use an online caloric expenditure calculator to figure out the number of calories you typically burn or would burn by performing certain activities, from light desk work to working out with weights.
Add the number of calories you burn through exercise to your BMR. Subtract this from the number of calories consumed throughout the day. For example, if your total calories burned is 2,100 and you eat a total of 2,100 calories per day, your calorie deficit is at 0.
Cut 400 calories from you diet. According to the Body Building website, this can be done by exchanging high-calorie, insubstantial foods for low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, which will leave you fuller for longer. A high-calorie candy bar can be replaced with a piece of fruit with nut butter, which will have fewer calories but will leave you far more satisfied.
Burn 400 calories per day through exercise. Use a calories burned calculator to help you determine what type of exercises you need to do in order to burn 400 calories.