Ways for Men to Lose Weight in Their 20s
Diets often don't work because they are based regiments that are difficult to stick to, and even when they do produce results, the body adjusts to them and gains the weight again. Men in their 20s are often busy with school, work and social lives, which is not always conducive to dieting. One method of successful dieting is monitoring food intake. Keeping track of the food you eat and making healthier choices is easier than sticking to a regimented diet. This includes portion control, which is monitoring portion sizes, not making sure you are eating the right number of servings of certain foods.
Men in their 20s often exercise to build size and strength, rather than to lose weight. Exercising for weight loss is easier than muscle building because it can be done without a gym membership. Running is an exercise that burns calories and can be performed anywhere. For example, a 150-pound man running at a steady pace of 5 miles per hour will burn over 540 calories in an hour. Biking and swimming are also great methods to burn a high number of calories in an hour.
For those who want to lift weights, focus on lifting lighter weights for a higher number of repetitions. Do lifts that train multiple muscles in each movement, and after training, rest muscles adequately. Weight training the whole body three times a week, rather than devoting a day to each muscle group, is best for weight loss.
Active Lifestyle
Leading an active lifestyle does not necessarily mean joining a gym. You can make a few simple lifestyle changes that will, over the course of a week, burn large numbers of extra calories. One very effective change you can make is walking or biking to work, instead of driving. If you have to drive to work, park several blocks away from the office and walk to it. Other simple changes include taking the stairs instead of the elevator and getting more sleep. Recent studies have shown that getting enough rest can curb appetite and help with weight control.