How to Diet Eating Fruit

While a bit high in natural sugar, fruit is jam-packed with every vitamin and almost every mineral needed to sustain life. There is a perk to that natural sugar, though. Nature has provided an instant fix to sugar cravings that are healthy and tasty! In addition, fruit is extremely high in fiber. Fiber keeps you fuller for longer, reducing hunger. Hunger is the number-one reason diets fail. Add fruit to your diet and lose weight.

Things You'll Need

  • Fruit
  • Water
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      Stock up on a variety of fruit. Even if you think you don't like fruit, start trying different varieties. Fruit comes in a variety of textures, tastes and smells. There is something for everyone.The best fruits for dieting have a large amount of fiber, such as apples, pineapple and melons.

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      Set a goal for yourself. For instance, make a goal that you will eat a piece of fruit before every meal or that you'll only eat fruit for your snacks.

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      Eat a piece of fruit in the way you've specified to meet your goal. Incorporate a variety of fruit for maximum benefit.

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      Drink a glass of water with every piece of fruit. This helps the fiber naturally expand in your belly, keeping you fuller longer. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water with your fruit. Water helps with weight loss by helping your body detoxify and by assisting in maintaining that full feeling.

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      Keep fruit readily accessible. The easier it is the stick to your goals, the more likely you will be to succeed.

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      Remember that fruit has a lot of natural sugar. A large amount of fruit typically isn't healthy or safe for diabetics or others with blood sugar disorders. Even though fruit has a lot of sugar, it's naturally lower in calories than most foods. In addition, those calories are nutrient-packed.

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