How do I Lose Weight With Complex Carbs After 3 p.m.?
Things You'll Need
- Whole grains
- Vegetables
- Whole wheat breads
- Legumes
- Whole wheat pastas
Your Shopping List Load up on foods rich in complex carbs next time you are at the grocery store. There are many tasty options to choose from. Whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, vegetables, legumes and oatmeal are excellent choices.
Staying Satisfied Until Dinner Reach for a snack rich in complex carbs during the afternoon. This will prevent overeating and reduce cravings. Try some crackers with peanut butter, a slice of Ezekiel bread with yogurt, or two whole grain rice cakes with hummus.
Choose foods such as whole grain pasta or brown rice with steamed vegetables for dinner, with a piece of fruit for dessert. By filling up on these foods, your appetite will be satisfied for the rest of the night. Avoid foods with processed simple carbs. Pasta and breads made with white flour and sugary desserts are examples of processed simple carbs and should be avoided to ensure weight loss and maintenance. These foods upset your blood sugar levels and leave you hungry shortly after dinner.
Load up on veggies. Fill your plate with veggies. Vegetables are water dense and fiber rich. This means they will fill you up fairly quickly, eliminating the potential for overeating.