Small Steps to Losing Weight
High Calorie Beverages
High calorie coffee beverages can add hundreds of extra calories to a diet. Cutting back on the number of these beverages that you consume can significantly reduce your total calories for the week. You don't have to eliminate the treat completely. Take an honest look at the number of high calorie beverages that you consume in a week and work to lower the amount.
Walk Extra Steps
Add a few steps to your daily routine to increase the number of calories you burn. For those who have not been exercising regularly, a small ten-minute walk can help you to get back on track. Successful weight loss is a combination of lowering the number of calories consumed and burning calories in physical activity.
Add Fiber
Foods high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables provide the body with nutrition and help you to feel full between meals. Adding more of these foods to your diet while eliminating processed foods can help you to reduce the number of calories you consume in a day.
Cut Portion Sizes
Reduce your portion sizes during meals to lower calories. Cutting portions allows you to eat the foods that you enjoy, but cut calories at the same time. If you plan to have a piece of cake, eat a smaller slice. Eat one scoop of ice cream instead of two. Over time, the smaller portion sizes will become easier to maintain.
Eliminate Snacks During Television
Don't eat your snacks in front of the television. Eat foods only at your kitchen table and you will eliminate much of the mindless eating that occurs in front of the television every night.
Ride a Bike
If you have a bicycle, ride it to run small errands or just for fun. You can also walk to work or the store to increase your physical exercise, which will burn additional calories. Beginners to exercise can start slowly and build endurance over time.