Easy Ways for Men to Lose Weight
Eat Right
The key to losing weight is to start each day off with the right kind of breakfast, according to Men's Health. Put down the doughnut or the sugary breakfast cereal and have some scrambled eggs and sausage. Rather than coffee with sugar, have some orange juice. Healthier breakfasts that include proteins and decrease sugar will help you feel energized longer and reduce the temptation to snack during the morning. Reducing sugar will also help you lose weight. The Mayo Clinic suggests cutting back on the portions you eat to lose weight quickly. Instead of two sandwiches for lunch, just eat one. Instead of a soft drink, have water. The little changes to your diet can make an immediate impact on your weight.
Drink Water
According to Reader's Digest, if the average American male drank water instead of soda he could lose an average of 25 pounds a year. Rather than drinking a sugary sports drink while exercising or playing sports, drink water. It replenishes your body and can make you feel more full than sugary drinks.
Eat More Often
Guys who eat three healthy snacks and three healthy meals a day will begin to see a weight loss, according to Men's Health. Spreading out your eating over the course of the day speeds up your metabolism. You will also feel less hungry, which helps you stop eating unhealthy snacks.
At the Office
There are a few simple ways you can start to lose weight at the office. Rather than using the company phone system to call a colleague in the building, walk over to her desk and talk to her. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Get up once an hour and take a quick walk around the office. When you combine these simple exercises with better eating habits, you will lose weight quickly.
Reward Yourself
Breaking those bad eating habits can be difficult. One way to stay on your new diet is to allow yourself one day a week on which you can eat whatever you want--in limited quantities. If you overdo it you will start to regain any weight you lost. If you allow yourself two pieces of pizza for lunch on Friday, however, you'll satisfy your cravings and more easily stick your healthy eating plan.