How to Lose 125 Pounds
The health benefits from losing large amounts of weight far outshine the challenge of trying to lose weight. The ability to be more active, walk up and down stairs, and the improvement in your overall body so that you can keep up with your family and normal daily activities will be just some of the benefits you will receive from losing 125 pounds. Consult your doctor so that she can help you make good choices and follow her recommendations while you work on losing weight.Instructions
Break down your 125 pounds weight loss goal into smaller goals. Reward yourself with something that you like when you fulfill a goal. Examples of small goals are, drinking a certain amount of water a day, giving up fast food, eating within a calorie range or losing a small amount of weight. The small goals will make your big goals appear more achievable over time.
Join support groups and network with others who are trying to lose weight. This will help you on the days that you do not want to try, or when you feel you have made a "mistake." Your supporters will be there to cheer you on and you can also help them when they have diet and exercise problems. Working with others who have the same goal of losing weight will help you continue to lose pounds.
Record everything you eat and consult your doctor about your diet. Keep a notebook and write down every bite that you put in your body. Watch what you eat and use this to determine what you need to change. Record the changes and if there were any results.
Work out for short periods at first, and then start building up your exercise routine. The Active at Any Size website states that even a small amount of activity will help your body slim down while you try to get in shape.
Hire a personal trainer to teach you workout techniques. A personal trainer can help to build an exercise routine that suites your needs and he can teach you how to use exercise equipment. Follow up with the personal trainer once a month to make sure you keep on track.
Change your eating habits so that they reflect a healthy, balanced diet. Slowly start to include fruits and vegetables and remove fried foods or foods that are not good for you. Follow the United States Agriculture website Pyramid guide to healthy eating.
Consult with a psychologist who specializes in eating issues. The habits that you learned over your lifetime did not occur all at once, and a psychologist can help you come up with a plan to overcome old habits. The psychologist can also recommend information about eating issues.
Weigh and measure yourself once a week to see if your body has made any changes. Continue to consult with your doctor on a regular basis as you lose weight. If changes have occurred, continue your weight loss plan. If no changes have occurred, look over the data that you recorded to see if you can make any changes.