The Best Appetite Suppressants on the Market
Over-The-Counter Suppressants
UniqueHoddia is one of the many appetite suppressants that don't require a prescription. The manufacturer claims the pills contain 100 percent pure South African Hoodia Gordonii, an ingredient that directly affects the hypothalamus in the brain; the section of the central nervous system that regulates appetite. The pills also reduce the activity of your gastric acid, making the body feel like it is less hungry that it actually is. Another leading market brand is Zotrim. Like UniqueHoddia, Zotrim contains ingredients that affect your central nervous system and make you feel fuller and less likely to eat; the company claims that you can lose 11 pounds in 45 days. All appetite suppressants are supposed to be taken with a low-calorie diet. An article on Mayo Clinic's website warns that there is no medical evidence that supports claims that this product actually suppresses the appetite.
Natural Appetite Suppressants
Wasabi has such a strong taste that it makes the body feel fuller. Foods such as almonds contain healthy fats that don't pile on the weight but still satisfy as a snack between meals. Instead of eating a large portion of unhealthy, fatty foods you can consume a few almonds and still feel full enough until your next main meal. After eating almonds the filling effects take about 30 minutes to happen. Other foods such as salmon and oatmeal are effective at reducing the body's hunger while spicy ingredients such as wasabi and chilies also make the body feel fuller than it actually is. Spicy food works because it has so much taste and satiates the body's hunger; they also increase the body's metabolism (indicated by sweating) and use up fatty reserves without you feeling hungry.
Tenuate (Prescribed)
Tenuate, chemically known as diethylpropion, is a sympathomimetic amine which is very similar to an amphetamine. The drug works by stimulating the central nervous system and thus increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. This, in turn, reduces your appetite and so the drug is commonly used in the short-term to tackle obesity. Although a common and popular appetite suppressant, Tenuate can also cause side effects such as irregular heartbeats and allergic reactions. You should always follow the prescribed dosage of Tenuate and check with your doctor about the risks and benefits of the drug.