Lists of Healthy Foods to Help Lose Weight
Due to their high fiber and water content, veggies are both filling and low in calories. They're high in nutrients as well. Carrots are particularly useful to a dieter. They are a low-calorie food and offer satisfaction because of their "crunch" factor. They're also very filling and offer nutrients rarely found in other foods. Carrots offer high levels of beta carotene, which can help prevent cancer and heart disease and improve immune function. Carrots have just enough natural sugar to be tasteful, yet not enough to cause a spike in blood sugar or hunger.
At roughly seven calories per cup, spinach is low in calories and full of flavor. It packs a healthy nutritional punch with 14 vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, along with nine amino acids. Due to the high fiber content in spinach, it's filling and satisfying. Unlike many types of leafy greens, spinach, when raw, has a rich, hearty flavor.
Fruits carry many of the same nutrients as vegetables but with a higher sugar and carbohydrate content, resulting in many more calories. Within those calories, however, are minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Bananas are good for dieters with a sweet tooth. At only 100 calories per banana and nearly every nutrient necessary to support life, bananas have been called "the perfect fruit." They're somewhat filling and packed with a rich taste and enough healthy sugars to satisfy any candy craving. Balance out the carbohydrate content of bananas with a smear of peanut butter for some added protein and healthy fats.
Melons of all kinds are nearly 90 percent water. Not only do they fill you up quickly because of their high water and fiber content; they're also extremely low in calories and carry many minerals and vitamins. Cantaloupe in particular is rich in essential minerals and electrolytes, including potassium.
Popcorn is a dieter's dream. Lower-calorie, air-popped popcorn comes in flavors such as butter, lime and kettlecorn, and can be enjoyed for a mere 15 to 30 calories per cup. Four cups fill a large bowl and is enough to munch on for quite some time. Air-popped popcorn is remarkably low in fat and calories while providing fiber and protein.
Extra-Lean Meat
Extra-lean turkey and chicken contain just 100 to 110 calories per serving, which equates to 4 ounces, or the size of a deck of cards. The same serving size of beef can be as much as 210 calories. Simply swap extra-lean ground turkey for beef and cook it the way you always do. You'll instantly shave 100 calories off your meal. Extra-lean meat is also very low in fat while providing a large dose of protein.
Enjoy a bit of chocolate every now and again. Every dieter needs to indulge once in a while to prevent binges. When no food is "off limits," you won't crave it as much. There are a variety of 80- to 100-calorie ice cream bars and candy mixes. Buy a box and indulge every few days. Fulfilling your sweet tooth on your terms will prevent episodes of "falling off the wagon."