How do I Drink Fruit Juices to Lose Weight?
Things You'll Need
- Lemons
- Grapefruit
- Orange
- Grapes
- Blueberries
- Cherries
- Pineapple
- Juice press, with pulp add on
- Artificial sweetener
Assure that your juice presser allows for pulp in addition to the fresh squeezed juice. Pulp is necessary because it tricks the stomach into feeling full.
Start every morning with fresh squeezed lemon juice added to warm water. According to Mail Online, "lemon juice ensures healthy and problem-free digestion by stimulating stomach juices." This step in the morning will prepare you for weight loss during the day.
Place all desired fruits in the juicer. Always include an acidic fruit to suppress appetite.
Make sure that you squeeze fresh juice on a daily basis and refrigerate any leftovers; without preservatives, juice can spoil quickly.
Process the juice combination into a smoothie, create fresh fruit ice pops, or drink the fruit juice from a glass filled with ice. According to Promote Health,"Some studies suggest that drinking just two extra glasses of ice water per day can help boost your metabolism by as much as 30%." By consuming chilled or frozen juice, you are burning calories warming up the juice and repelling hunger by obtaining necessary nutrients and fiber.
Never add anything besides ice or cold water to your fresh juice mixture. The purpose of the juice is to lose weight naturally, so forget the sugar and add artificial sweetener instead if you must.
Drink the juice at least three times per day, preferably before or during a meal.
Do not over-consume your juice mixture. Fruits contain natural sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. Avoid this problem by diluting your juice with water, making it possible to enjoy drinking a large amount of liquid during the diet.
Stick to the juice diet even if you do not see immediate results. Weight loss takes time, especially if you do not include exercise in your routine.