How to Get a Prescription for Exercise Equipment on Flexible Spending

A flexible spending account is a wonderful benefit offered by many employers. An FSA contains pre-tax wages that you can use to pay for qualified health expenses. There are both federal and employer guidelines as to the expenses reimbursed through a flex spending account. Exercise equipment is considered a potentially eligible expense and requires a letter of medical necessity from your physician.

Things You'll Need

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      Your doctor can provide a letter of medical necessity for exercise equipment.

      Schedule a thorough physical examination with your doctor. Ask your doctor about an exercise regimen and the fitness goals you need to meet for rehabilitation or as a preventative measure. Discuss the specific exercise equipment you will need to accomplish your fitness goals.

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      Request a letter of medical necessity from your doctor. The letter should include information with details concerning your health status, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment plan and equipment required to reach your goals. A letter of medical necessity by your physician does not guarantee that the exercise equipment will be considered a qualified expense.

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      File the letter of medical necessity with the benefits office at your place of employment, preferably before you purchase the equipment. If your request for reimbursement is granted, please note that you must file a new request each year if you require additional exercise equipment.

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